New identity for RedBull Dance Your Style.
- Culture and sport
- Food
- Activation / Campaign
- Film and Video
- Social media
- Identity / Branding
New identity for RedBull Dance Your Style.
An international event for the first time
Redbull signs the organization of Dance Your Style, the most eclectic competition of the urban dance scene. To promote its 2019 edition, raised for the first time to a level of global competition whose world final takes place in Paris, the brand with bulls called on Sweet Punk to pilot its international communication.
A worldwide invitation to join the dance floor.
Extend communication to dance curious by emphasizing the fun and relaxed aspect of the event. Dance Your Style is dance battles on unexpected songs, between great classics and today’s hits. The event should therefore be seen as much as a competition, as a real party for all lovers of the dance floor.
A unique identity because tailor-made.
new logo and new graphic charter highlighting the duality of the battle
a proprietary policy made to measure
poster of the event evoking public participation
Publicize the event. Worldwide.
Media campaign
a TV spot was shot and broadcast 1 month before the world final
a campaign of classic and wild displays was produced and adapted for each continent
Encourage action.
Performance-oriented social media campaign.
A social media campaign with ultra-targeted messages has been implemented.
Continuous testing of messages and targets to boost results.
Tickets for the final sold out in 8 days

Charte graphique propriétaire et puissante.