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Gateway competition predicts the future of its students

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  • Activation / Campaign

Gateway competition predicts the future of its students

SItuation & Challenge

A print and digital campaign around a crystal ball

Passerelle, the admission competition to 9 Grandes Écoles de Management, accessible to all student profiles after a bac +2 or a bac +3, desire a strong and quirky creative concept to convince students to register for the competition .


Place your destiny in the best hands.

The initial insight: for students, studies are a projection and a step in their future, sometimes uncertain, life. It involves stress and a will to want to “secure your future” and not leave it to chance. Sweet Punk therefore decided to position the catwalk competition as a good omen for the future of the students.

Creativ Idea

See clearly in your future ... school

If the future is uncertain when it comes to listening to the predictions of a psychic, with the Gateway competition it is under control. The agency organized a tailor-made shoot to create a true spiritual universe. This print ad was then rolled out digitally through a universe full of illustrations which ensures the continuity of the competition’s current communication and which incorporates the distinctive elements of the clairvoyance territory.

You should think bigger