The campaign that makes you love financial markets
- Bank and insurance
- Public sector
- Activation / Campaign
A campaign to create vocations
Enhance the attractiveness of financial market professions and promote their players
Today, financial market professions suffer from a lack of interest among young people, mainly due to a poor image of the sector and a lack of knowledge of the possible professions.
Demystifying financial markets
To promote the value of financial markets and their professions in high school, it’s important to popularize them and help students understand the impact they have on today’s society. To this end, Sweet Punk & Elezia have set themselves three main objectives:
Lifting the veil on the world of market finance before talking about its professions
Show the link between market finance and the real economy
Use hard-hitting messages and reappropriate the target audience’s codes.
Personalizing finance professions
Personifying finance professions as heroes working for a better world is a creative approach aimed at making these professions attractive to the younger generation. The aim is to establish an emotional connection by showing that these professions are key roles in building a prosperous future. The use of comic book-inspired puns reinforces this personification, adding a playful, light-hearted touch to the campaign.
Our guidance
A dual approach to create vocations
The campaign combines :
An educational approach, with a teaching kit aimed at prescribers (teachers, educational advisors), to give them the keys to generating vocations among students.
A communication strategy integrated into the student career path, linked to the Parcoursup milestones
Project 1: Educational kit for prescribers
The first phase of this campaign is aimed at teachers and careers guidance professionals, to raise awareness and educate them about the financial markets, a sector still too little known by these prescribers.
Comprising an educational kit clarifying the financial markets, a landing page on the website as the campaign’s central landing point, and an activation strategy consisting of a display campaign, Meta ads and mail shots aimed at education authorities and careers guidance professionals.
Project 2: Communication campaign
This second approach targets high school and university students, with a view to raising awareness of the financial markets and making them more accessible, while dispelling the preconceived ideas that surround them.
To achieve this objective, sponsored ads were placed on social networking platforms popular with students, including TikTok and Instagram. At the same time, a display campaign was deployed on websites frequented by students as part of their orientation.