
Re-branding for the non-violent warriors

  • Associative / environment
  • Identity / Branding

A new identity that gives a voice to the voiceless

Situation & challenge

Embodying and strengthening One Voice's uniqueness

An association under the 1908 law, One Voice has been fighting in the field for over 30 years for the respect of animal and planetary ethics, with a view to sustainable rewilding.

Independent in word and deed from the outset, the association’s long-term survival, and that of its cause, depends solely on the generosity of its members and donors.

Refreshing its brand image through graphic and editorial harmonization is therefore an opportunity for One Voice to reinforce the impact of its message and encourage the renewal of its activists and donors.



Infusing the notion of activism


Involved on all fronts where cruelty is rampant, One Voice believes that taking action is the first step towards achieving lasting change.


Raising awareness, questioning and recruiting activists are therefore the best weapons for making invisible battles visible and working concretely towards a world of greater solidarity for all.


The challenge: to impact an audience of decision-makers and the general public with skill, by urging them to act. A modernized identity, a pedagogical approach and assertive asperities give the association a more prominent profile and reinforce its message with a graphic and editorial universe that reflects the codes of militancy.

Creative idea

A powerful path for all forms of life

What could be more singular than One Voice’s very name and approach?


The idea was to convey the association’s radical vision through its artistic direction and editorial tone, inspired by militant imagery and semantics.


By exploiting the codes of activism, One Voice embodies with panache all the singularity expressed by the terminology “non-violent warriors” to make its promise “one voice for the same fight” fully “speak”.


The tiger, the association’s totem animal, is given pride of place to symbolize One Voice’s quiet strength, supported by powerful, committed colors for a graphic universe of character yet nuanced with sensitivity.

Ressources strategy


– Graphic charter and logo redesign

– Editorial charter


– Site UX/UI design

– Site content writing

– Web development

– Acquisition strategy

New graphic identity


Colorimetric palette


Print versions

Digital versions

You should think bigger