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A connected digital campaign.

  • Tech
  • Activation / Campaign
  • Social media

A connected digital campaign.

Situation & challenge

Promote the autonomy of the product

25. This is the number of days of battery life for the latest Nokia connected watch. Faced with leaders, how to prove that the watch and its advantages have their place in the daily lives of users through a digital campaign?

Creative idea

25 days of steel

Building on the Steel watch’s flagship argument, namely its autonomy, the idea was to create a 25-day campaign, like a common thread telling a story. That of the everyday life of users in which the product fits elegantly. Without interruption.

Means & Results

Paid social media campaign

Using the most suitable Instagram and facebook formats, we were able to deploy an impactful campaign storytelling.

  • Facebook instant experience
  • Carousel
  • Animation Feed Instagram 25 days
  • + 32% engagement
  • + 45% of sale

The 25 days of autonomy of the watch are told through an ambitious storytelling, making the best use of the potential of the formats offered by social media platforms.

For 25 days, two users discover the Steel experience and meet at the heart of the Instagram feed. A meticulously timed meeting.

You should think bigger