
La FHF retrace son action face au Covid19.

  • Associative / environment
  • Website

An interactive site designed like a logbook

Situation & Challenge

Revealing the FHF's action in the face of Covid-19

The Federation of French Hospitals is looking for an ambitious, immersive and fluid website dedicated to the pandemic, revealing it to the general public as a federation in action, responsive and precise. The aim is to showcase the actions it took during the crisis, in support of healthcare establishments.


Day to day Covid-19

For Sweet Punk, it’s important to give information the visibility it deserves. The agency then designed a website organized around key dates to retrace the highlights of covid-19, inform government decisions and immortalize the daily life of the French, day by day. Beyond a website, Sweet Punk offers a compendium of information, the memory of a period that will be remembered.

Creative idea

The FHF in the spotlight

By drawing inspiration from the newspaper headlines to present each of the key dates, Sweet Punk places great importance on the actions of the Fédération des Hôpitaux de France, exposing them as major events. The experience is immersive, sensory and tends to transcribe the emotion behind this global crisis. Thanks to impactful visuals and captivating animations, the Internet user relives the highlights of the pandemic and fulfills his duty of memory. As for the interface, it allows quick and intuitive access to key dates and their detailed contents for those who wish to conduct further investigations.

You should think bigger