
In search of the keyword.

Finding your site in the top results of a search page is a bit like being at the top of the poster.

Improving your visibility and your notoriety, your natural referencing is a great way to make yourself known and to strengthen your brand image.

SEO friendly yes, but nice and accessible for your readers too! Because if the content of your site should help improve your SEO and maximize your visibility, it must also appeal to your audience.

Search engines appreciate that the words are key, your readers will appreciate even more quality content that may interest them, and position you as a reference expert in your field.

Rencontrons nous et parlons-en.

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a key step in site design and allows you to position your site permanently on search engines.

Getting qualified traffic to your site will make it easier for you to turn prospects into customers, but also improve your visibility and branding.

First step: set up an SEO strategy by identifying the right keywords but also an adequate content strategy in order to make you identify as experts by your audience and in a relevant way by the algorithms of search engines.

Natural referencing is a work of substance, but also of form: an optimal site architecture to respect all the technical constraints linked to SEO, and carefully written content to align with the defined strategy.
At Sweet Punk, it is also a daily support to make regular adjustments and thus stay in step with the prerequisites of the different algorithms.

In our design, functional or technical, we take special care to integrate the constraints related to SEO: tags, URL structure, loading times of site pages, internal mesh, rich extracts…

Working on the SEO of a site is a relevant way to gain visibility without investing in media or keyword purchases.

You should think bigger