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Social media

Reaction speed

Maintaining a daily connection with your community and making it grow is an everyday job that requires flexibility and responsiveness.

Our Social Media teams support you to initiate a lasting conversation with your community and generate lasting commitment with it. Anticipation and reactivity are our watchwords to guarantee you optimal and effective visibility on social networks.

Our community managers will be your voice to bring precise and personalized responses to your audience, while adopting the tone defined in your editorial charter. We will be your eyes, ears and voice on the various networks to amplify your presence.

Let's meet to talk about it.

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At Sweet Punk our social media support is above all reactive, without forgetting to be creative, in order to adapt to the changing situations offered by networks. But let’s not confuse speed and precipitation: to act quickly, you have to know how to anticipate. And to change course quickly, you have to know where to go.

Each network has its own codes, its own audience and its own functionalities. A social media strategy must take these specificities into account and be able to adapt the discourse if necessary. In other words, it must be flexible but solid!

If, for a brand, being present on social networks may seem simple, being effectively in speaking is nevertheless necessary to develop a precise strategy and to set up dedicated and specific support by network.

Social networks are also a place for debate and questions, which is why responsiveness is more than necessary. On networks, immediacy is all the more expected since, for certain brands, they have become an after-sales service channel where users challenge the brand at the slightest opportunity.

Effective social media support is based on precise editorial planning. Also, it’s not just about publishing editorial, visual or video content, but also generating conversation and creating engagement.

To guarantee you an optimal presence on each of the networks, we carry out a monthly editorial planning as well as a content strategy accordingly. Our mastery of technology also allows us to develop filters specifically for Instagram and Snapchat in order to provide a more interactive experience to your community and generate engagement.

We also set up influence strategies by setting up lasting or occasional partnerships depending on your news.

Increase your notoriety, generate sales or simply create a community: there are many solutions to answer them.
Influence strategy, creation of high-performance video content, development of Snapchat or Instragram filters, media coverage or even community management, we know how to rely on the right methods so that your presence on social networks serves your business on a daily basis.

You should think bigger