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Social media

Have quiet confidence.

There were muses, there are now influencers. Thanks to their voices, their talent, their creativity or their commitments on social networks, these personalities who gain the support and trust of social media users, form islands of loyal and diligent followers who stir up lusts.
This dominant position at the heart of communities that are sometimes difficult to integrate has aroused the curiosity of brands who no longer hesitate to integrate them into their communication.
To orient yourself towards a new audience, change your target, promote a product or improve its image, there are many reasons to integrate partnerships with influencers in your social media strategy.
By praising their digital territory, these digital gurus have transformed word-of-mouth of yesteryear into formidable strategies of influence.

Let's meet to talk about it.

Contact us

Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube, Snapchat or Facebook, the influence network is vast and its network is complex. Each platform develops its own codes, evolves according to its own trends but, above all, dubs its own idols. Our agency deploys its eyes and ears to constantly observe and analyze these fluctuating ecosystems. This knowledge allows us to best support you in your community management. From the opinion leader with a large audience to reliable and authentic micro-influencers, we imagine with you the best strategy for your influence campaign. To relay your messages successfully, we choose the most relevant profiles, on the best networks and at the best times.

In order to facilitate the work of influencers and ensure the consistency of all your social media activations, we also bring you our expertise in content creation. A successful influence strategy is as much about the sincerity of your speaker as it is about the creativity of your campaign. Our graphic, strategic and video centers imagine, in collaboration with the influencers themselves, original and innovative actions. We strive to invent new social languages ​​to create a virtuous dialogue between your audience and your brand.

Influencers, however, remain owners of their digital space and of the last word of your campaign, so your collaboration must be based on mutual trust and built on shared values. The time of the partnership, the influencers incarnate you and become the face of your brand. To benefit from their healthy image and gain the trust of their tribe, we therefore ensure that their editorial line, their aesthetics and their convictions are like you.

You should think bigger