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Innovation and metaverse

Channels to engage in creative and immersive emotion.

Augmented reality works a certain kind of magic thanks to the particularity of mixing reality and fiction with virtual elements in the real world.

From the contemplative filter to the interactive filter, these formats of engagement meet a real success by the possible interactivity with the brand.

Face animation, augmented reality game, 3D object, immersive portals, the possibilities are numerous and must be finely and precisely chosen and realized to fulfill their objective of immersion with the brand.

From Instagram to TikTok through Snap, the realization and availability of a filter can be done on all platforms or focus on one of them according to the objectives of the brand: message, target, concept.

The reflection of a filter concept is based on more than its appearance, on its destination and therefore on the best social space on which it should be present. Our accompaniment naturally integrates this analysis before its realization so that the filter created and available is the most in phase with the expectations of the engagement and the notoriety of the brand near the desired target.

Let's meet to talk about it.

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