Growth hacking

Looking for requests.

81,000 per second. That's the number of search engine queries in the world.
If you're not there, you're missing out on a very interesting pool of attention.
Especially since the nature of the query allows you to qualify the context of your prospect in question. It would be wrong to deprive yourself of this.
However, places are limited: first come, first served!
At Sweet Punk, our team dedicated to digital acquisition masters the SEA codes perfectly. Between campaign structuring and choosing the right words, we always manage to find the right balance for your brand.

Let's meet to talk about it.

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From Google to Bing, having a presence on search engines is essential.

Firstly because it is a media that your target probably uses several times a day. The search engine is that Eldorado to which we turn as soon as the time comes to ask questions.

And each questioning of your target provides you with precise clues: what is their level of product knowledge? Is she mature enough to take action, or is she simply looking for information?

Depending on the keywords, it is then essential to structure your campaign to offer the best keyword/ad/content match to remain relevant to your target.

Beyond your ads, your SEA campaign must be thought in a more global way: on which web page will your targets land? Does it match the keywords and my ad?

At Sweet Punk, we like to think of the SEA campaign in a holistic way: from the user request to the final action. This is what allows us to have effective search campaigns.

You should think bigger