
Life in XXL for young workers

  • Bank and insurance
  • Activation / Campaign
  • Event and innovation
  • CSS Design

A giant version of an interactive stunt to take the first step in working life.

Situation & Challenge

Young active people, elusive? Challenge accepted.

On the occasion of the launch of So Actif, a consulting and information platform for young workers, Société Générale entrusted Sweet Punk with the launch strategy, with the particular challenge of striking a big blow to bring new professionals to the So Actif site.


Change of life, change of dimension.

The end of studies marks a turning point in his life, his goals and his relationship to banks. Our strategy: to show young workers that by taking a step towards Societe Generale, their lives and their projects would take on a whole new scale.

Creative Idea

Ready to take the first step?

Make the promise of So Actif physical through a stunt in Montpellier: encourage passers-by to “take the first step” with Société Générale by going on stage, and see their projects come to life in a grandiose way.
We therefore designed an interactive show combining video mapping, kinect capture and sound and light show. The improvised choreography by passers-by is then captured by a motion detector, and reinterpreted by pre-recorded videos of pro dancers projected onto the facade of the Fabre museum, making the moment as enjoyable as it is spectacular.


Results in a few figures

the video of the event was viewed 600,000 views on social media.
More than 130,000 visits were generated to the So Actif site in the 3 weeks following the event.

You should think bigger