Sweet Punk Montpellier: why open up to the south?
Everyone will tell you, the heart of the advertising market in France is located in Paris. Over the years, the sector has experienced a veritable exodus of regional agencies to the promised land. A trend which, even if it has been able to slow down lately, remains a classic in our community.
This hyper-centralization is explained by the concentration of advertisers in Paris, but also of activities, innovations, consumer trends … In fact, everything is going faster in Paris. Perhaps a little too much, since by dint of rubbing shoulders with this pool teeming with novelties, Parisian communicators have reinforced certain clichés that stick to our skin today.
For some there is a distinction in terms of quality and freshness of ideas between the "Parisian" agencies and the others, the latter would then be content to follow painfully without escaping from the peloton. It would surely be more accurate to simply evoke a more cosmopolitan and porous culture in the capital, which necessarily has repercussions on the countryside.
But by dint of being one on top of the other, rubbing shoulders with the same societal codes, the same daily newspapers, the same people, Parisian ideas quickly end up walking on them, without really taking the time to step back, so much is it necessary without stop moving forward. What if we took a breath?
The Sweet Punk spirit conquers the Hérault
The agency decided to conquer new territories, and to open Sweet Punk Montpellier. At its head we find Yann Le Gallou, a historic collaborator of the agency in Paris since it is no more and no less than the first employee recruited! The recipe for creativity therefore remains in the family.
Behind this initiative hides our desire to decentralize the agency to try to build a new, more agile model, far from the overcrowded sacrosanct Parisian open-space. This is an opportunity for the agency to change its living environment and therefore to find new sources of inspiration, to adopt a perhaps more flexible rhythm, which also facilitates the recharging of creative batteries (that and the sun, of course).
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