
The School of Excellence reviews its brand

  • Corporate
  • Brand strategy and advice
  • Identity / Branding

ITIC Paris passes Gen Z test

Context and challenge

The most connected generation has no time

Itic Paris wants to transform its brand and its positioning to meet the habits of the digital native generation. Mobile oriented, snack content consumers and above all originality and authenticity of speech…


The School of Excellence understands that it must refresh its brand in depth to exist in the ever-changing world of Gen Z.


How rethinking its brand and tactical approach to the most hurried and least captive generation?


The avant-garde school

To catch the eye and the heart of Gen Z, we have repositioned ITIC Paris as an iconoclastic and singular media brand, resolutely focused on the uses of Gen Z.

A tone, formats, and topics with a modern and uninhibited approach that makes Itic Paris the Konbini of training: professional, uninhibited, and avant-garde.

To ensure the deployment of the new brand platform without losing sight of the substance, we coordinated Itic Paris’ communication around the real expectations of Gen Z: finding their way, projecting themselves into student life, enjoying their new life, and blossoming.

Our guidance

resources strategy

Affirming one's uniqueness

New identity

A unique brand in the world of higher education, more whimsical, innovative, and ultra-modern in its approach.
A more authentic tone, with themes directly related to the problems of young students

New website

A mobile-first website where key content is housed in easy-to-watch yet informative videos.
A simplified and fluid navigation, with direct access to the courses.

Connecting with your target

Social media

– Repositioning communications around the favourite platform of Generation Z: Instagram

– Increase the number of speaking formats to break the gloom and create surprise

Improve visibility and transform

Image media strategy

– Implementation of a digital media campaign to promote the new brand image to the target audience, in particular with the “Collection” format on Facebook aimed at influencers

Acquisition strategy

– Optimization of the SEA campaign including geolocalization, optimization of the click rate with a work on the editorial, and tracking

– Implementation of retargeting

– Implementation of a Google Ads Performance Max campaign with a conversion objective

– Implementation of a media campaign with integrated form to optimize lead acquisition

A new identity

Hero movie

New website

Social Media

Media strategy

Acquisition strategy

You should think bigger